Detox with Water

Water Is a Crucial Detox Factor

Since water makes up 99 percent of the molecules in your body, what you drink can be a major source of regeneration and enhanced detoxification. Aim for an ounce of water daily for every two pounds of body weight. But use your body’s feedback when in doubt.

Discolored Pee
If your pee is discolored, you could probably drink more. If it’s clear, you should be good. Ideally, each day you should drink some EZ water, which has a molecular structure of H3O2. Water that comes from underground springs is a good source, and sunlight infused water in a glass container will also be charged up.

Avoid regular bottled water, and if you absolutely must drink municipal or city water that contains a highly toxic form of fluoride, try to use a reverse-osmosis filtration system.


While this phase of a diet omits protein and fat, your body will take what it needs by degrading its own less-than-healthy components and reusing what it can in a process known as “self-eating,” or autophagy. Autophagy is your body’s ancient system of cleaning house. In an elegant process, your body will disassemble poorly functioning, diseased, or worn-out cells and use what remains to make new cells.

Alcohol is not allowed in this phase, and coffee is not recommended. But for those who believe they have a physiological dependency, a cup of coffee (always organic) in the morning is allowed. At first you will experience “hunger,” but this sensation is oftentimes just a reaction to the body reorienting itself. This mono detox can have a laxative effect on some people but be binding to others. Remember to drink plenty of water, which can help the cleanse and provide an additional source of energy.