Mental Health
It’s really not that hard
Your mental health and happiness only depends on one thing. Do this one thing and you will not need pills or so called mental health professionals in any way shape or form to artificially get rid of depression.
First of all dump the idea that your are your body. You are not what you eat! Your body is what it eats but that is not you!
Your body has separate goals from you. They are not your goals. It simply wants to eat sleep and reproduce and not necessarily in that order.
You on the other hand have goals to live comfortably in a nice home, invent things, be things, communicate brilliant ideas. Your body couldn’t care less. Does this mean you and your body can have opposing goals? Pretty much.
If you let your body be the boss then it is going to be a fat lumpy lard ass that only wants to eat, sleep and reproduce. And you will be that sad soul taking anti-depressants because you decided not to be boss and let your body decide for you.
So step 1 is take a deep breath, close your eyes, lean back in your chair and find your self as being separate from your body. It is what actually does the real thinking. You could call this a soul search.
Take a look at what your body is thinking as compared to what you are thinking. Close your eyes and look at an image of a beautiful beach. Well what’s looking at the picture? That’s you not your body. If you can’t separate the 2 things then don’t bother reading on. Just leave this site and go watch a cat video.
So now that you have found out who you really are here is the one thing:
Take a step towards a known goal every day that you as the soul are actually interested in.
That’s it. It does not matter how small the step is. This is called a win. Winning is happiness. Losing is not. If you did nothing towards towards a personal goal then the only thing that happened was you advanced one day closer to death.
A personal goal can be getting your body into shape. It is your “pet” that you have to drag around with you in order to perceive and play in this physical universe. It’s level of thinking does not encompass the idea of “getting into shape”. You have to become the boss of it and tell it what to do. And after you have given it a good whippin’ then start really pursuing your own goals. You may have to go as far back as the age of 5 to even remember what they were but enough said. I hope you got the idea.
Meditation in Nature…
Step 1. Do not meditate for the sake of meditating. That’s nuts. Do it with an end goal. The goal is to see yourself as separate from the body.
If you can see that during your meditation then quit meditating and go out and live as the soul not the body. You are the commander and chief, your body is not. If you forget that go back to step 1.